Noah Guyot – Interaction Designer

litl: litl OS

Design a new family-oriented cloud-based operating system. [ consultant, 2009 ]

Final product

The industrial design by Fuse Project and Moto was fixed before Cooper's involvement started.
The interaction design was developed through a iterative, collaborative process between Cooper, litl and Pentagram.

Home view

The Home view provides a central launching place while also serving as a 'dashboard' with dynamic information visualizations.

Documentation sample

Despite it's apparent simplicity, the home view required a lot of detailed design to get the feel just right.
This diagram explores all the permutations of the various states of items on the Home view.

Documentation sample

This diagram illustrates the behavior of moving an item from one page of the Home view to another.

Working with photos

The litl is intended to 'liberate' photos and videos, but it relies on the cloud for all all photo & video storage.
This design allows the litl to support adding content to multiple online services simultaneously.

Documentation sample

The litl can be flipped into an easel configuration, when it is, the controls are limited to a scroll wheel and a single button.
This image specifies the behavior of the wheel for different content types in easel configuration.

My role