Noah Guyot – Interaction Designer

Cross Country TravCorps: Recruiter Dashboard

Enterprise application for a short-term nurse staffing company. [ consultant, 2005-2006 ]

Pending Business view

This view focuses a recruiter's attention on their nurses that are currently in the placement process.

Portal Activity view

This view allows a recruiter to see which of their travelers may be interested in traveling based on their portal activity.

Job Search view

Competition to fill jobs can be stiff, so it is important for recruiters to see new job availability quickly.

Find Traveler view

When a traveling nurse calls, a recruiter must get their information quickly.

Documentation sample

This visualization series illustrates the relationship between the Recruiter Dashboard and the other systems recruiters use.

Documentation sample

Detailed specification of a Carbon Copy (CC) feature within the Dashboard.

Documentation sample

Personalization options for each view allow each recruiter to work the way they prefer.

My role